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Dad went back to the Moffit Cancer Center at International Plaza (MIP) today.  His day started with the traditional blood draw to check his counts.  Dad’s hemoglobin is slightly down from yesterday’s 8.4 to 7.7.  April, the PA at MIP, has scheduled Dad for another blood transfusion tomorrow to stop the downward trend.  Dad’s platelets are down to 28.  But, the good news is that the Neupogen seems to have boosted Dad’s white blood cell production in 24 hours.  Dad ‘s white blood cell count was 0.49 yesterday and rose to 2.27 today.  The normal range is 3.5 – 10.5 billion cells/L.  Neupogen seems to have given Dad’s bone marrow wings.  (Sort of like Redbull for bone marrow!) Dad received his second shot of Neupogen today.  I imagine that April is working to ensure that Dad’s blood is good and ready for the brentuximab vedotin infusion on Friday.

Dad also had his second radiation treatment today, which addressed the same spots as yesterday.

Mom, the uber caregiver, was tuckered out today.  She was sound asleep on the sofa by 7pm.  Dad commented this evening how Mom is always prepared when going to Moffit.  She carries organized files of Dad’s medical papers, lab reports, his prescription list, a detailed journal that captures his condition on a daily basis, bottles of Boost, snacks, etc.  Mom may be petite (all of 5’0″ and 100 pounds), but she is MIGHTY.  Thank the Lord for all the mighty caregivers shouldering the invisible burden of their loved one’s cancer.