Picking up on Monday, February 29th
8:20 a.m. Mom and I arrived at Moffitt. Dad had trouble getting and staying asleep due to his feet bothering him from the radiation treatment in January. Hunter, Dad’s Sunday night nurse, had given Dad pain medication.
Dorothie, Dad’s day nurse, said that blood had been ordered since Dad’s hemoglobin level was 6.6. They were waiting on the blood to arrive. The search was taking longer due the presence of antibodies in his blood.
8:48 a.m.
Karla Adams, transplant physician assistant, and Eleni, transplant physician assistant student, came to see Dad. They inquired how Dad was feeling.
- No chest pain. Dad had experienced a some PACs (premature atrial contractions) yesterday.
- Dad had received oxygen during the evening. Eleni and Karla checked Dad’s breathing and heart rate.
- His temperature had been doing well, staying under 100.
- Dad’s sodium had been a little low. Karla told Dad to drink Gatorade and even soda. He should eat pretzels and chips.
- Bactrim suppresses his blood count. It is being given for Dad’s PJP.
Karla was moving his follow-up CT scan from the main campus to the Moffitt Cancer Center at International Plaza (MIP), which was scheduled for March 9th. Karla was going to ask Dr. Ayala whether or not Dad should get his next brentuximab vedotin treatment on March 7th. Karla thought it may not be a good idea to get brentuxmiab vedotin while having an infection. Dad’s appointment with Dr. Baluch, infectious disease, was scheduled for March 10th at 7:30 a.m.
12:48 p.m.
Dr. Walsh and another from pulmonary came to visit. They asked Dad how he had been eating and drinking. Had he been coughing? They checked his breathing. They said to continue the course of treatment for the PJP. They will be monitoring the cultures from the BAL (bronchoalveolar lavage) procedure every day to see if anything else grows.
1:30 p.m.
Dad received magnesium via IV.
2:48 p.m.
Kristen, transition nurse, came to visit. She confirmed tomorrow’s MIP appt at 7:30 a.m. for labs and neupogen. These appointments would reoccur until meeting with Dr. Baluch and Dr. Ayala on March 10th.
Later in the afternoon, Dad experienced another fever (100.8) with chills. This resulted in his discharge being canceled. Dad would stay another night.
Another night, another Moffitt meal.
March 1st
In the morning, Dad was feeling well. His temperature experience yesterday prior to discharge was not sustained. Dad continued to receive blood support until his successful discharge in the afternoon.
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